Join a community of compassionate individuals across Missouri who are committed to saving and healing lives.
Any legal organization in the state of Missouri whose primary purpose is to coordinate local or regional community-based services and supports for individuals, families, and communities to achieve improved health, wellness and quality of life for citizens of Missouri that undergo behavioral health conditions; behavioral management conditions; social and/or spiritual neglect; substance use disorders; co-occurring disorders and/or history of criminal activities.
Affiliate level members must complete an application to show compliance with the Affiliate membership qualifications and must be approved as an affiliate member by the MCRSP Executive Board.
Application Fee (one time): $100.00
Membership Dues (annually):
Minimum $150.00 for those with six or fewer agency members and $25.00 additional for each agency member over six.
Emerging Affiliate members are organizations who align with the definition of an Affiliate level member but may not meet all qualifications at the time of application.
Emerging Affiliates shall include a plan and timeframe to meet the remaining qualifications, not to exceed 6 months from the date of application.
Minimum Qualifications:
In-Process Qualifications:
Application Fee (one time): $100.00
Membership Dues (annually):
Minimum $150.00 for those with six or fewer agency members and $25.00 additional for each agency member over six.
Any legally recognized organization in an area of the state of Missouri where a MCRSP affiliate organization does not exist, providing providing direct and/or support services for citizens of Missouri that suffer with Behavioral Health Conditions; Behavioral Management conditions; Social and/or Spiritual neglect; Substance Use disorders; Co-occurring Disorders and/or history of criminal activities.
Agency/Organizational level members must complete an application to show compliance with the Agency/Organizational membership qualifications and must be approved as a member by the MCRSP Executive Board.
Application Fee (one time): $50.00
Membership Dues (annually):